Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SketchBomb is Coming to Long Beach Comic-Con!

Hey gang!

I'm happy to announce that SketchBomb will be holding an event during Long Beach Comic-Con! It's going to be Friday, October, 29th @ 8:30 PM. The convention closes at 8 so we had to push it back a half hour. It will be held at the Long Beach Cafe just a few blocks from the convention center. Here's the address and Google maps link:

615 E Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, CA

Google Maps

I have no idea how many people are coming but we have their "party room" so we should be able to accommodate a hefty handful of people. I do know that I, DJ Welch, Hainanu Saulque, Justin Orr and a few other goons from the usual San Francisco chapter will be there.

Hope to see you there!


Monday, October 18, 2010

SketchBomb Success!


Hey gang!

Quick updates...

SketchBomb: Sacramento kicked off on Friday with it's first get-together. Hainanu did an great job getting it together and it was a blast. It was only the first one and there were about 20 people there... that's awesome! We had some really fun topics and I'll post up my work from it ASAP. Thanks to everyone who came out. It was cool to meet so many new people.

Secondly, Saturday was SketchBomb: San Francisco and it was our APE edition. We were busting at the seams at 35 people! It was our biggest yet and it was so cool to see the new faces. If we keep this up we will most definitely be moving to a new location. It's always great to report on such positive things... so exciting!

Well, for now I'm out. I have a TON of work to jump on tomorrow but I promise to get the Sketchbomb work up. Don't forget: You can stay up to date with all SketchBomb goings-ons at The Official SketchBomb Blog

Thanks, gang!


Monday, October 11, 2010

SketchBomb - San Francisco this Saturday!

Hey gang!

On the agenda for this week:

SketchBomb - San Francisco: Saturday, October 16th. It will be at the Grove at 3rd and Mission in San Francisco at 8 PM. If you want to come or know some peeps who would want to just show up. Post in this journal with questions so we can get it all out in the open.

Ryan and I will be there as usual as well as the usual familiar faces from SketchBomb.

We usually alternate between timed themes and free sketching and we always have Show and Yell so people can check out everyone's work.

The Grove has been super-awesome to us. I want SketchBomb to continue to bring them business and great vibes, too. They have good food, alcohol (but you don't have to be 21 to participate in the sketchin'), and a bunch of other stuff so it would be great if we all got a few drinks or some food or whatever to thank them for the roof (and so we don't over-stay our welcome).

I am going to have copies of my new Art Book "FaceBomb: The Art of Mike Henry" for sale! If you want to nab up a copy there let me know so I bring enough. They are $25 a piece, 76 pages, Hardcover, Full color, and I'll do a sketch in each one!

It'll be a good time!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

SketchBomb-Sac Date Set!

SketchBomb-Sacramento has set a date for our very first Bomb! We hope this is enough notice for a good turn out.

The 1st SketchBomb-Sac will be kicked off by the founder of SketchBomb Mike "Zatransis" Henry. So be sure to come through and join us, it promises to be an excellent event.

Where: Tupelo Coffee House (Map Via Google)
When: Oct. 15th |8ish

If you have any concerns or questions please contact us via Facebook or by email sketchbomb.sac@gmail.com

First rule of SketchBomb...is that you really must tell as many people as you possible about it, its an awesome event and the more artists we tell the better. ;)


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

SketchBomb-Sac Facebook

Hello all!

I'm stopping by to announce the Sacramento Branch of SketchBomb has created a new Facebook page to help with networking, news, and updates. We will be sending invites though our facebook page as well as our DA Group page. We will be posting news on our first sketchbomb very soon, so please be sure to add us to your friend list and help us spread the word. Thanks in advanced.

SketchBomb-Sac Facebook: Link

